I've started alternating between swimming and running in the mornings. I'm doing this for a few reasons: I'm going to soon join a soccer team and would really like not to vomit during my first game with my new team, I've wanted to start regular exercise for a while, it's cheaper than the gym, and I'd like to feel healthy. I'm not a runner. In fact, I hate running. I loathe it. But I've managed to go two mornings for the past two weeks, even when I REEEAAALLLY didn't want to. I've figured out ways to keep myself running. I talk to myself in my head, encouraging myself, frightening myself with warnings of embarrassment when I get back on the soccer field, and telling myself this is good, this feels good, you're almost done.
I got a pedometer over the weekend to keep track of my progress and when I looked at it this morning, I realized, to my surprise, that I had run for over a mile. One small victory today, a great way to start the day even before the sun came up.
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